Top Five Reasons to take your Mother Rafting this Mother’s Day
1.) She’ll look great in that wetsuit. Not everyone looks good in a wetsuit, but mom is sure to rock it. Mom will simply radiate feminine beauty in her practical and form-fitting neoprene Farmer Jane. If mom is going to have an adventure, there's no harm in looking good while she's doing it! Fun fact: the NRS “Grizzly” cut wetsuits can be a little kinder to some of mom’s curves. 2.) She was tough enough to give birth to you, paddling will be easy after that. Whitewater rafting has the reward of bringing out a person’s primal survival instincts. As the colossal waves crash all around, and hungry paddle-munching hydraulics catch the raft in their spiral vortices, mom will hear the call of her inner tigress and head to a special place we like to call, “Save-my-family mode.” You’ll never see mom quite the same after trying to keep pace with her overpowering paddle strokes. 3.) If she falls out of the raft, you can repay her the favor of raising you by rescu...